
《十大彩票游戏平台》通过向公众提供信息来促进政府的开放 立即公开记录. Any EGSC employee may receive an Open Records request; therefore, all employees should be familiar with this material. 办公室主任/法律 十大彩票平台(学院)的顾问负责管理 the College’s compliance with the Georgia 公开记录法. 办公室主任/法律 大律师力求使学院的公开记录合规程序方便易用; 非对抗性和开放性. This policy will guide recipients on the proper procedure 在收到公开记录要求后,解释他们的角色和职责 管理员和开放记录管理器对开放记录请求的响应.


员工应该意识到,公开记录请求的发送者类型有很大的不同, 格式和请求名称:

    • Sender: Individual, employee, attorney, student, 等.
    • 为mat: oral or written (print, fax, email or other electronic format);
    • Request Name: Request for information, FOIA, Sunshine Law request, 等.

请求不必遵循特定的格式,也不必提及乔治亚州公开赛记录 Act to be valid and to trigger the three-day response period. 因此,任何收到口头或书面要求记录的大学员工都应该 i立即通知EGSC办公室主任/法律顾问,他是学院的负责人 记录经理478-289- 2165. The employee receiving the request should NOT respond to the requester, even for clarification, unless directed to by the Chief of Staff/Legal Counsel. 搜索, 检索、编校和复制所请求的文件通常需要耗费大量时间. 有些记录可能不会被公布,因为隐私法或法规禁止他们 释放. 因此,必须尽快转发开放记录请求 的资料会被送交参谋长/法律顾问审阅,以便进行评估 在这三天期间发生的过程.

Upon receipt of an Open Records Request, Chief of Staff/Legal Counsel (hereinafter 开放档案管理器) will perform the following initial evaluation tasks:

    • Contact the requestor directly to clarify the request and determine which records 对请求作出回应;
    • Contact the administrator(s) responsible for the records to determine whether the 记录的存在,文件或数据的数量,以及搜索、检索、 编辑(如有必要)和复制记录;
    • 提醒所有联系的管理员响应的及时性要求 请求的保密性;
    • 根据USG政策,FERPA, HIPAA和其他规定,确定必要的修订 隐私法律法规;
    • Determine whether any of the requested information is exempt from disclosure; and 
    • 确定学院对请求者的回应和制作的时间表 请求的文件.

If the records are readily accessible, are not voluminous and the costs to redact 并复印记录不超过25美元*,管理员负责要求 记录将定位、复制、编辑并发送给开放记录经理. 公开记录管理员将再次提醒管理员保密要求 在执行此任务时. The 开放档案管理器 is responsible for ensuring 文档 必要时是否进行编辑,识别和保留豁免信息,并说明 在对请求者的答复中具有适用法律授权的披露豁免. 开放记录管理器将用适用的记录回复请求者 三天期限. *The Georgia 公开记录法 allows a copy charge of .10每 信件和法律大小的文件的页面和所有其他文件的实际复制费用. 存储介质的费用和工作人员在搜索中使用的时间也将收费 进行评估. 员工收费 is based on the lowest paid employee qualified to 搜索, 编辑和整理文件.

如果记录是大量的,全部或部分是不容易访问或其他情况 防止及时制作所有文件,开放记录经理将作出回应 to the requestor within 三天期限 with a description of the responsive 记录,如果可能的话,生成可访问的响应记录,提供时间轴 对于何时剩余的记录将可用并同意提供响应 在切实可行的情况下尽快记录或查阅. 如需提供费用记录 exceeds $25, the above response will include estimated costs. 如果估计成本超过 500美元,需要预付. 开放记录管理器将推迟搜索和 检索记录,直到请求人同意估计的费用,除非 请求人已在请求中声明愿意支付超过的金额 估计的费用.

When the requester’s consent and/or payment is required prior to proceeding, upon 收到相同的,开放记录管理员将通知相关管理员 to gather the records, copy, redact and provide them 给开放档案经理. The 开放档案管理器 will follow the process as stated above to respond.

法律事务办公室保留一份书面日志,以跟踪所有请求和回应 以及相关文件. This log is kept by fiscal year and is stored in the Office 法律事务. The records are retained according to the 佐治亚大学系统’s Record Retention Schedule and Georgia 公开记录法.



开放档案管理器建议使用 索取公开纪录表格 (PDF). Although use of the form is not required, it is designed to help requestors provide enough detail to clearly identify the records desired. 请注意 有些记录可能不会被公布,因为隐私法或法规禁止他们 释放. 你将被评估1美元.10每 page for paper copies for letter or legal-size 文档, and for all other 文档, the actual cost of producing the copy. 为 在数据存储设备上请求的信息,您将被收取实际费用 数据存储介质的. You will also be charged the hourly rate of the employee who retrieves and copies these 文档 less the first quarter hour. 公开记录 Manager will contact you with an estimate prior to fulfilling a request. 请参阅 以下常见问题,或联系办公室主任/法律顾问,开放 乔治亚州斯温斯伯勒大学圈131号十大彩票平台档案经理 30401; Telephone: 478-289-2165; cpattersonFREEOMNIUPDATE.


这是一项州法律,要求公开公共记录,供查阅 任何一个公众成员. Please visit the Georgia Attorney General’s Office Open 记录页了解更多信息 http://law.ga.gov/

公共记录包括几乎所有的文件、文件、信件、地图、书籍、磁带、 照片、基于计算机或生成的信息,或准备的类似材料; 在公共机关或机构的运作过程中维持或接收的. Records held by private persons for a state agency and records held away from the 工作场所受法律约束.

Does the 公开记录法 apply to 十大彩票平台?
是的; the Act applies to all public agencies.

Any member of the public may request an inspection of any public record.

A request may be made to EGSC Chief of Staff/Legal Counsel, 开放档案管理器, 十大彩票平台, 131大学圈, Swainsboro, Georgia 30401; cpattersonFREEOMNIUPDATE. A request form is provided for your convenience - 索取公开纪录表格 (PDF).

The purpose of the Act is to encourage public access to government information and to maintain the public’s confidence in government through openness to the public.

What records are exempt from disclosure under the 公开记录法?
《十大彩票游戏平台》中存在许多例外情况. 一些常见的豁免适用 to an institution of higher education include, but are not limited to: 

    • Medical and other materials involving matters of personal privacy;
    • 与未决调查有关的记录;
    • Records required by the federal government to be kept confidential such as student education records; Trade secrets and certain information of a proprietary nature;
    • 某些研究数据、记录或信息尚未发表、获得专利、 或以其他方式公开传播;
    • 捐赠者的个人和财务信息;
    • 向公共机构提交的与招聘有关的机密评估 公职人员的

人事档案和业绩评估是否应根据格鲁吉亚的规定予以披露 公开记录法?
As a general rule, most 文档 found in personnel files must be disclosed, but 也有例外. Documents contained in a personnel file, if not exempt, may be 释放d if redacted and after any applicable time limitation. 业绩评估 修订后可以披露. Redaction is the removal of person information such 如社会保险号、银行账户信息、医疗或保险信息, 等.,从披露前的文件中.

Are e-mails I send and receive subject to disclosure under the 公开记录法?
是的, e-mails are open records, whether or not the subject is business related, if 符合下列一项或多项标准:涉及国有企业 发送到大学账户(即使是在家里的私人电脑上),他们是 sent on or through College equipment, no matter where located.

Does the College notify employees named in records being disclosed?
学院的政策是通知员工的绩效评估或人事 files have been requested and are being 释放d under compliance with the Act.

学院是否会向申请人收取副本的费用及职员的工作时间 搜索?
是的. 该法案允许复制收费 .信件和法定大小的文件每页10美元 以及复印其他文件的实际费用. 对状态存储介质和的收费 a charge for staff time used in the 搜索 will also 进行评估. 员工收费 is based on the lowest paid employee qualified to 搜索, redact and assemble the 文档.

How critical is the time element in complying with the 公开记录法?
至关重要的是,任何单位收到请求的记录立即通知 开放档案管理器. The three-day time period starts running from the date the College 接收请求,而不是当单元将请求转发给开放记录管理器时. 各部门负责人有责任确保这一通知没有延误 给开放档案经理. A civil penalty of $1,000 could be imposed for violation 这条法律.

Pease contact Chief of Staff/Legal Counsel, 开放档案管理器, 478-289-2165 or cpattersonFREEOMNIUPDATE 了解更多信息.