

Student success is the first institutional goal of 十大彩票平台 (EGSC战略计划2020-21财年- 2022-23财年). To that end, EGSC is committed to increasing its retention rate of first-time, 到2023年秋季,全日制新生的比例至少达到60%. 首次全职员工的保留率 学生目前低于这个基准(表1). 风险警报程序 is designed to connect students to faculty and staff for academic support and campus resources with the aim of improving student academic success and increasing retention.

表1. EGSC首次全日制学生的保留率

秋天队列 队列学生人数 保留学生人数 保留率
2019 1,074 541 50.4%
2018 1,123 536 47.7%
2017 1,029 512 49.8%
2016 1,070 524 49.0%
2015 1,148 594 51.7%
2014 1,059 554 52.3%
2013 1,040 565 54.3%
2012 1,319 650 49.3%
2011 1,699 729 42.9%
2010 1,162 626 53.9%

(来源:USG/CVIOG Qlik Analytics Portal/留存率10年趋势)


“风险警报”策略取代“早期警报”策略(http://www).philboardport.com/policy/03-early-alertpolicy.pdf) 于2018年获得批准,并隶属于已建立 期中成绩和进度报告政策. 这一政策 further defines the role of the reporting faculty and the academic advisor, 以及留存团队的组成和职责. 这一政策 赞美的 EGSC管理计划 并支持 EGSC的使命和策略计划.


At-Risk 警报s can be generated by faculty in Grades First 在任何时候 and for many 原因(表2). 在一级自动发出风险警报 the student’s academic advisor as well as the chair of the 保持团队 that the student is not making satisfactory progress toward completion of the course. 记录 of these alerts can be found in the Reports/Notes section of each student’s Grades 首先概要. 学术顾问、教员和保留团队成员可以访问警报 在任何时候.

既定的环境安全委员会政策, progress reports are currently required within the first quarter of each course 术语. 导演 of eLearning initiates progress reports in GradesFirst for students making unsatisfactory progress at four weeks (16-week courses), two weeks (eight-week 课程),或6天(四周课程)进入学期. 不令人满意的进展 is defined as actions or activities that are predicted to result in a grade below 这门课得了C. 进度报告触发与At-Risk相同的通知 警报. 记录 of these alerts can be found in the Reports/Notes section of each student’s 一年级概况. 学术顾问,教师和保留团队成员可以访问 并随时评论进度报告.

表2. 一般风险警报类型可用于第一等级

警报类型 的理由
保留团队出勤提醒 无故缺课累计达三次及以上者.
没有教科书 Student does not have access to required materials, to the detriment of their ability 参加课程.
需要辅导 Student has been advised by faculty to seek academic assistance and is still not performing 在学习上取得很好的成绩.
需要咨询 Student has given the faculty member reason to be concerned about their state of mental 健康.
参与/性能问题 Student is not participating in class and/or performs poorly on assessments (e.g. 作业、实验、考试).
交通问题 Student has informed faculty of their difficulty to attend class due to lack of transportation.
学生违规行为 Student has displayed behaviors that inhibit academic progress of themselves or others 在比赛过程中表现出不礼貌的行为.


EGSC carries out the job of academic advising as a team, with each member of that 团队成员清楚地了解他或她在为学生提供建议方面的角色. 这个团队 members include students, who have a responsibility to define their academic goals; professional academic advisement staff, whose training and expertise will guide students through the variety of programs that are available to them; full-time faculty, whose 他们学科的经验对学生来说是宝贵的资源. 每个成员 of the team works in harmony with others in order to assist students as they select 选修的课程及课程(参见学术指导计划).

Advisors may or may not enjoy an established personal relationship with their advisees 原因有很多. 学生和顾问可能会或可能不会共享一个校园,顾问 are periodically reassigned to maintain a reasonable number of students per advisor, new students are advised during an orientation event, and students who change majors 经常需要一个新的顾问. 为此,当触发“风险警报”时 Academic Advisor may or may not be the most appropriate individual to initiate an 有效的调查进入警报. 然而,联系一位已经 issued an alert is encouraged as the nature of the alert may affect the student’s 学业计划和取得学位的进度. 


It is critical to recognize the impact of classroom interaction in enhancing student 学习和提高学生的学习成果. 出勤率和早期成绩是 学生整体表现和留校率的重要预测指标. 危险警报, especially those issued early in the 术语, are useful in identifying potential barriers to student learning and are more impactful when combined with efforts to provide students with access to support services such as tutoring, financial aid, and mental 健康 咨询. 学生可能不知道可用的资源,直到一个 individual faculty member recognizes potential at-risk behavior and issues an alert.

Faculty issuing an At-Risk 警报 在任何时候 for any reason are responsible for providing detailed information as to the nature of the alert as well as any steps that have 已经被用来提高学生的成绩. 双方之间的任何相关通信 student and faculty member that precedes an alert should be included within the comments section. Any actions or communications that take place after an alert has been triggered 也可以通过一年级沟通. 这确保了教员之间的凝聚力 communication and retention outreach to further empower students for success.


保留小组负责回应教师发出的警报. 导演 of Retention will delegate alerts to the appropriate member of the 保持团队. The 保持团队 is composed of staff members who work in specific support areas to address student concerns based on the type of alert sent by faculty member. 这些 individuals direct support services such as tutoring and 咨询 that are imperative 为全体同学的成功干杯. 与内部的教职员工合作 the classroom, members of the 保持团队 act to provide students with critical 在他们大学生涯早期的支持服务. 这直接加强了影响 ,并加强对保留团队的使用,如 EGSC策略计划.

Once activated by the Director of Retention, the 保持团队 member will attempt to contact student through email and/or phone number to initiate the necessary support 在警报注释中反映的服务. 保留团队的行动可以 include but shall not be limited to providing tutoring appointments, restructuring academic plans, assistance navigating financial aid services, placement in academic success workshops, arrangements for supplemental instruction, and referrals for mental 健康咨询. 十大彩票游戏平台支持干预活动的沟通将 由留用小组成员放在成绩第一. 这确保了教师或 advisors are able to refer to actions performed to improve their student’s academic 表演. 后续信息将由保留总监发送给提示 学生要行动,除了其他团队的努力.


    • 留用处长(主席)
    • 公共学习资源总监
    • 学术支援服务主任
    • 学生行为主任
    • 咨询和无障碍服务办公室主任


根据EGSC政策, a GradesFirst training course is available for all faculty members; new faculty members are required to attend a GradesFirst training and should alert their dean 或添加到培训课程的电子学习总监.


Data from the GradesFirst system and USG Retention Trend Rates will be used to make 与改进风险警报流程相关的明智决策.